In-House Florist.

Choosing A Florists

We are pleased to offer our own qualified in-house florist to our clients to advise our clients about floral tributes. Suzanne will be happy to come and see clients at home if they wish, to discuss the exact floral requirements. All floristry is bespoke for the client.


Pellentesque fringilla quam ac cursus rhoncus. Mauris convallis lorem eu tempor laoreet.


Aliquam ultrices, quam luctus dapibus aliquet, eros justo biulvinar ex nunc lorem aest.


Pellentesque fringilla quam ac cursus rhoncus. Mauris convallis lorem eu tempor laoreet.

Colour & style of lettering

Aliquam ultrices, quam luctus dapibus aliquet, eros justo biulvinar ex nunc a lorem ispumest.

Types of Memorial

When choosing a memorial for a loved one there a number of things to be taken into account from regulatory issues to maintaining the memorial itself. Sed gravida, nunc pulvinar facilisis ornare, nibh leo auctor orci, non malesuada sapien eros a nulla sed bibendum.


Pellentesque fringilla quam cursus rhoncus. Mauris convallis lorem tempor laoreet.


Morbi auctor orci pulvinar ante semper, vel sagittis velit lorem ipsum imperdiet.


Lorem ipsum quam ac cursus rhon ipsum sed caonvallis lorem eu tempor laoreet.


Nulla at volutpat metus. Duis imperdiet ligula ui efficitur vitaegestas laoreet nibh siitudin.


Etiam variuagna lobortis ivamus sollicitudin nisl et massa vestibulum aliquam.


Aliquam ultrices, quam luctus dapibus aliquet, eros justo biulvinar ex nunc a est.

Sed gravida, nunc pulvinar facilisis ornare, nibh leo auctor orci, non malesuada sapien eros a nulla sed amcorper imperdietusce eu feugiat risus. Etiam scelerisque nulla a ultrices sodales. Call our service team on 01934 742885 for your no obligation quote.

Funeral Support

If you'd like to speak to us directly, call free 24 hours a day.

01934 742885

Funeral Plans

  • $ 2300 Simple Plan
    (included details)
  • $ 3700 Mid-Range Plan
    (included details)
  • $ 4200 Super Plan
    (included details)
view funeral plan

Funeral directors

Our friendly team of fully trained staff share our drive to provide service.

meet the team